Welcome To My 45 Day Build Challenge!
Let me be the first to welcome you to the 45 Day Build Challenge and tell you how EXCITED I am to help you reach your goals!
I know this for a fact – if you dedicate yourself to following this program, you WILL:
• Build muscle
• Get stronger
• Feel more confident in your own skin 🙌
My team and I are here to do everything we can to support and motivate you throughout this program, to help you realize your true potential and crush this Challenge, so let’s get after it together!
The Challenge officially begins on Monday, October 11.
The Challenge program will be live on NicoleWilkins.com and available for viewing on Friday, October 8.
Uploading Photos
The entry period for uploading your Before photos and measurements begins on Wednesday, October 6 and ends on Wednesday, October 13.
You don’t have to upload photos if you don’t want to – you can still follow the program, post on the forums, be a part of the community and see amazing results!
You just won’t be eligible to win any of the Challenges prizes if you don’t … so I hope you do! Click the link below to see all of the details regarding how to upload your photos. Taking photos is also a great way to measure your progress and to hold yourself accountable.
So even if you don’t plan on submitting them, I do recommend taking them for your own personal use. I will be sending out an email on October 6 with a link and instructions on how to upload everything, so stay tuned for that!
Supplements List
Supplements do exactly what their name says – they supplement an already balanced, healthy nutrition plan and consistent training program.
If you’re looking for that extra edge, check out the supplements I recommend for getting the most out of this challenge program.
If you are ordering nPower Nutrition products from my website and haven’t already purchased the Gold or Silver Package (both of those offer the biggest savings) here is a coupon code for 15% off your purchase:
(enter code at checkout)
Weekly Prizes & The Facebook Community
For those of you who are on social media, we will be awarding Weekly Prizes each week throughout the Challenge. Make sure you are using these hashtags on social media so we can find you!
• If you haven’t done it already, make sure to stop by and see me on the Nicole Wilkins Community Facebook page, along with a ton of other awesome people with similar goals 🏋️♀️
October 11 will be here before you know it – I hope you’re excited, because I know you are going to LOVE this Challenge and the results!
– Nicole