Welcome To My 40 Day Buns & Guns Challenge!
Welcome to my 40 Day Buns & Guns Challenge!
I am so happy you have decided to place your trust in me to help you reach your goals. I know you will see results if you can dedicate yourself to following the program, and that you will feel tighter, stronger, healthier and fitter at the end of these 40 days!
My team and I will be here for you every step of the way, to help you get the most out of this Challenge and be the best version of yourself.
Just remember – it all starts with you. How dedicated you are to the program, how disciplined you are during it, and the effort you are going to give each and every day.
No one else can do those things for you.
That’s what will make setting this goal and reaching it such an awesome, empowering feeling when you do! 😃
The Challenge officially begins on Monday, March 28, and the entire program will be available for viewing on Friday, March 25.
You will receive an email from me when everything is live on the website. Until then, I’ll be in touch periodically through email and of course on the NW Fitness Community Facebook page.
If you haven’t already, make sure to stop by and check it out. It’s free to join and it’s an incredibly positive, supportive community of women (and men) where you can find motivation, ideas and chat with some amazing people! 🏋️♀️
Uploading Photos
The entry period for uploading Before photos and measurements begins on Tuesday, March 22 and ends on Tuesday, March 29 at 11 pm PST/8pm EST.
We will send out an email on March 22 with a link to the form where you can upload everything, so stay tuned for that.
You don’t have to upload photos, of course, but you won’t be eligible to win any of the Challenges prizes if you don’t … so I hope you do!
Supplements List
Supplements do exactly what their name says – they supplement an already balanced, healthy nutrition plan and consistent training program.
If you’re looking for that extra edge, check out the supplements I recommend for getting the most out of this program.
If you are ordering nPower Nutrition products from my website and haven’t already purchased the Gold or Silver Package (both of those offer the biggest overall savings) here is a coupon code for 15% off your purchase:
(enter code at checkout)
Weekly Prizes & The Facebook Community
For those of you who are on social media, we will be awarding Weekly Prizes each week throughout the Challenge. If this is your first Challenge, here’s how it works:
• Share something from your journey during this Challenge on social media (Instagram or in the Nicole Wilkins Fitness Community Facebook Group) using these hashtags:
• Don’t overthink what you post! Anything that shows you striving to be better than you were yesterday is going to be inspiring.
• If you are posting on Instagram, make sure your profile is public so we can find you.
• Remember to join the Nicole Wilkins Fitness Community Facebook Page! (more on that above)
• One of my favorite parts about each Challenge is getting to know you all a little bit more by following your journeys on social media, so post often!
The start of the Challenge will be here before you know it – I can’t wait for you to get started!
– Nicole