Thanks for stopping by and checking out my new website! I am so excited to share the new format with everyone. It has been a few years since I have updated the site and because so much has happened in that time period, I thought it would be best to start fresh with a whole new approach!

I get so many questions and emails each day asking about my workouts, nutrition advice, how to perform certain exercises, how to stay motivated and more. I do my best to address as many as I can on Facebook or in other ways, but unfortunately I simply don’t have time to answer them all. But now I can do more with my new website and give you an up-close look at my health and fitness journey!

Each week, I’ll be updating the site with exclusive content for those who want a more in-depth approach to exercise and nutrition – everything else that goes along with living a healthy lifestyle. Here’s some of what you’ll be seeing:


• Real Workouts for an up-close, unfiltered look at how I train



• Training Tips on various exercises, how to target specific areas of the physique, advanced techniques and more



• Question & Answer videos and demonstrations for those who email me with questions



• Nutrition videos to show how I prepare my food, new recipes to try and how I stay on track when traveling


I’ll be traveling around the world this year – Australia, Finland, Brazil, Peru are just some of the locations – leading up to my preparation for the 2014 Figure Olympia and will be posting blog updates from all of these trips to bring you along on these experiences I am so fortunate to have.

So stop in and check it out, and let me know if there’s anything you would like to see on my new website by leaving a comment on this post or by contacting me here and I’ll do my best to make it happen. Thanks again for joining me on this amazing journey!