You requested it so here it is! That hot spot where your glutes and hamstrings meet can be a challenging area to tone up. These three moves are at the top of my list for making sure this area gets its due attention.
• Reverse Dumbbell Lunge (off box)
• Good Morning
• Barbell Hip Thrust
And if you have an area/muscle group you want me to cover in the future, leave a comment below. ?
Target Training: 3 Exercises To Target Your Rear Delts
Thank you so much!! Have been wanting to see the proper form on all these exercises and how they target the glute/hamstring tie in!!! I would love to see a segment on how to help with diastasis recti.
Log in to replyI know it is something that it challenging but would like to do some strength training to at least combat what I can change!! Thank you so much for all the great info, demonstration and encouragement! You’re the BEST!
I would to see a video targeting the core or shall I say abs
Log in to replyIn the search bar at the top right hand corner of the page, type in ‘abs’ and you will see ab workouts 🙂
Log in to replyThis was great. I like how you explain where your feet need to be and WHY on the box lunges.
I am tall so my elongated muscles don’t show off my hard work as easily. I would love to see target training on lateral deltoids as I’m anxious to see mine start to really pop and stand out.
Thanks for all of your awesome tips!
Log in to replyAll my favorite exercises for targeting that area! They have helped my butt grow! Great video!
Log in to replyI incorporated these exercises in with my glutes workout yesterday and really enjoyed it. Thanks for the info, I’m always learning!
Log in to replyRear delts & upper back
Log in to replyHow many of each exercise and what should be a good targeted weight…would love it if you state how much you are using!
Log in to replyTarget training idea: Lower lats
Log in to replyLower back. I seem to have some stubborn fat there that Superman’s can’t even move
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