I’m so excited to announce the winners of my 10 Week Photo Shoot Ready Challenge!
They look absolutely incredible (as you’ll see), but they aren’t the only ones – I am super-impressed by all of the transformations from everyone who uploaded After photos. You all did such an amazing job!
Yes, these Challenges are about transforming your body – but they are also about trying something new, developing healthy habits and improving the overall quality of your life.
If you participated in this Challenge I sincerely hope you were able to do that 😊
Narrowing all of the awesome transformations down to a top three is always incredibly difficult for our five judges. But that’s where having five different opinions and viewpoints is invaluable.
Each judge scores their top five accordingly:
1st place – 10 points
2nd place – 8 points
3rd place – 6 points
4th place – 4 points
5th place – 2 points
We then add up the totals from the individual judges and pick the winners. It sees like it gets tougher and tougher to select a winner every Challenge!😰
For those of you who are wondering when my next Challenge is – it’s already here! Signups are going on now and end this Sunday, October 14.
Check Out The 35 Day BUILD Challenge!
Here are the winners of my 10 Week Photo Shoot Ready Challenge!
(click on an image to enlarge)
How We Select The Winners: The 5 judges from NW Fitness Group narrow the entries down to a top 10. Each judge then “scores” everyone in their top 5 accordingly – 10 points for a 1st place vote, 8 points for 2nd place vote, 6 points for a 3rd place vote, 4 for 4th place and 2 for 5th place. We then tally up the judges’ scores and come up with a top three.
Holly wins a trip to Southern California to hang out and train with me, her very own photo shoot AND a six-month supply of nPower Nutrition Supplements!
RUNNER UP: Kate Teresi
Kate wins $1500 and a three-month supply of nPower Nutrition Supplements!
RUNNER UP #2: Justin Lavender
Justin wins $1500 and a three-month supply of nPower Nutrition Supplements!
Great work everyone! You all look amazing and it’s very inspiring!
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