It’s time to announce the winners of my 35 Day Muscle Up Challenge – I am SO excited and proud of their results!?
As most of you know, this was my first-ever challenge designed specifically for building muscle – and boy did these winners do exactly that! Choosing the winners was incredibly difficult – which is always the case. But that’s why we have five judges ? We don’t always agree, but that’s how it’s supposed to be.
Each judge scores their top five as such:
1st place – 10 points
2nd place – 8 points
3rd place – 6 points
4th place – 4 points
5th place – 2 points
We then add up the totals and pick the winner based on who received the highest number of points. This one was SOOOO close – our Grand Prize winner won by just two points … and our Runner Ups tied with the same total!? These transformations were so awesome I am doing something I’ve only done once before – I’m adding a fourth Bonus Prize winner!
Whenever I announce the winners, I always get a ton of questions about purchasing the challenge that just ended. As I’ve said before, all of my challenges are unique – no two are the same, and they are only available for purchase during the entry period.
So if you missed that, you won’t be able to purchase this specific program. But the good news is,there’s still time to enter my NEXT challenge – the 40 Day Summer Shred Challenge! Which is perfect if you’re looking to get in your best shape for the beach! ☀?
Signups for the 40 Day Summer Shred Challenge end on May 20, and the challenge beings on May 21 – click the link below to find out more!
Check Out The 40 Day Summer Shred Challenge!
CONGRATULATIONS to these winners and to everyone who participated in the 35 Day Muscle Up Challenge – way to see it through to the end! I am so proud of you all and hope that you continue working hard towards achieving you goals ?
Check out the 35 Day Muscle Up Challenge winners below! (click on an image to enlarge).
How We Select The Winners: The 5 judges from NW Fitness Group narrow the entries down to a top 10. Each judge then “scores” everyone in their top 5 accordingly – 10 points for a 1st place vote, 8 points for 2nd place vote, 6 points for a 3rd place vote, 4 for 4th place and 2 for 5th place. We then tally up the judges’ scores and come up with a top three.
Carolyn wins $3000 and a six-month supply of nPower Nutrition Supplements!
RUNNER UP: Joseph Winter
Joseph wins $1500 plus a three-month supply of nPower Nutrition Supplements!
RUNNER UP: Grettel Gray
Grettel wins $1500 plus a three-month supply of nPower Nutrition Supplements!
BONUS WINNER: Melissa Lavender
Melissa wins an nPower Nutrition Complete Stack, Shaker Cup and T-Shirt!