You guys have been asking for a track workout for a while, so here it is! I have been going to the track more consistently this prep and it really gets me out of my comfort zone and kicks my butt, as you will see in the video. Check out the video and the workout!
brutal but awesome Nicole
Log in to replyI love track n sprints too
You keep me motivated more than you know. My show is same weekend as Olympia, I also am striving to be more conditioned this year Big thanks Nicole !
Log in to replyWe will keep each other motivated 🙂 Good luck to you!
Log in to replyI love your hard work, trying to become just like you, I think I got my training right , just have to get my food right
Log in to replyFood is 80% of your results- you will see BIG changes once you get that down 🙂
Log in to replyHaha. I get anxious as well, always running to the bathroom under the bleachers!
Log in to replyOuch! Anything worth doing is never easy as I’m about to find out when i try this! Thanks Nicole great workout.
Log in to replyThat was a great cardio workout Nicole! I like that you did it outside of the gym, nice change in scenery.
Log in to replyGoing to try this work out. It’s way too hot right now out here in Michigan so I will wait until the heat indexes are not 110 degrees :-/
Log in to replyYou just have to go around 6-7am. It gets to 105 here in Temecula too- SUPER hot. Stay hydrated 🙂
Log in to replyThis was awesome watching your video! I’m just starting track last time being school days! hahah so cant wait to use this programme! thank you P.s which trainers are you wearing Nicole? thanks 🙂
Log in to replyI loved the workout. You use my favorite saying, “get out of your comfort zone”. I’m going to have to get back on the track, haven’t done that in 20+ years. So motivating.
Log in to replyLooks like a great workout. I’m having trouble finding a track that is open to the public.
Log in to replyCannot wait to try this track wkout!! I’ve been trying to think of ways to mix up the cardio lately and this is EXACTLY what i was looking for 🙂
Log in to replyAwesome! Thank you for this fun workout. I’m going to try this out tomorrow morning 🙂
Log in to replyNicole – looks like a fun workout and a great way to shake things up…you lady are a “BEAST” meant in a nice way…keep it coming and you are looking good.
Log in to replyGood workout Nicole. You forgot to drink (better electrolyte).You can have a heat stroke if you do not drink.
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