Another 10 Week Photo Shoot Ready Challenge Grand Prize Winner I am SO proud of!

Holly entered my 2019 Challenge after falling off the proverbial wagon and realizing she needed to do something to get back in shape. She made such amazing progress following the program that 10 weeks later, Holly decided to step back on the figure stage, where she ended up winning the contest and her pro card!

“I had no intention of competing at all,” Holly said.”I felt so horrible at the time . If I had not [entered], I wouldn’t have been on my way to getting in shape and the show wouldn’t have been on my radar.”

“Everything was so detailed … there were exercises that I learned from you that I never tried before. How detailed everything was laid out was spectacular. It was so easy to follow!”

For winning the Challenge, we flew Holly out to Southern California for the weekend to train with me and take part in her very own photo shoot – which just happens to be the Grand Prize for this year’s Challenge as well!

This year’s 10 Week Photo Shoot Challenge is a completely new program – brand new workouts, meal plans, recipes and more. Whether your goal is losing weight (like Adam Vaughan, who lost an amazing 46 pounds in 10 weeks!), gaining muscle or shedding body fat, I know you’ll see amazing results too if you decide to enter and give it your all!

Holly and I got in a great workout together, too – check it out below!





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